3 more days before we have to change the date to 2009. Time sure does fly very fast. Like Michael said, "Just when I'm finally putting the date on cheques to 2008, it's changing again!". And a lot happened in 2008 too. From the political to weather to world to financial news. Some are good while others look very bleak. You all know which ones are looking very bleak at this moment. We are just done with a 4-day weekend and now we are about to get another 4-day weekend. Some of us of course has to take Friday off to get the long weekend but I am sure it is worth it. Who wants to go to work for 1 day in between holidays, right?
Anyways, I haven't been cooking that much lately but while looking for what to have for breakfast yesterday, I found a yam sitting on the kitchen counter and thought maybe I should make yam fritters. As some of you already know, fritters are a local favourite snack in Malaysia especially during tea-time and breakfast. The usual ones are of course banana fritters but the sellers would usually sell different kind of fritters and yam fritters are one of them. Here is how I make my yam fritters.Yam Fritters
1 yam, pealed and sliced 1/2cm thick
3 tbs all-purpose flour
2 tbs tempura flour
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Cold water
Oil for deep frying
1. In a bowl, mix flour, turmeric powder and cold water to form a thick batter.
2. Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan on medium high.
3. Take 1 slice of yam at a time and coat with the batter and slowly put it in the wok/pan. Depending on the size of the sliced yam and wok/pan, fry a few at a time. Don't overcrowd because that will change the temperature of the oil. Flip once or twice.
4. Fry until golden brown on both side.
5. Sprinkle with some powdered sugar and serve immediately.
**I find the type of yam sold here to be a bit watery than what I am used to and if not eaten immediately after deep-frying, the crust tend to get soggy.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Yam Fritters / Keledek Goreng
Friday, December 19, 2008
Chicken Rice Set ala Ende Li's
Among all my aunties, I go to Ende Li's house a lot since they live the closest to my parent's house. Ende Li is my dad's younger sister and she has 7 kids and she LOVES to COOK and FEED us. Just by going for lunch or dinner at their place is like a party itself with lots of people and of course, lots of food. When my cousins (from another family) were still studying in Kuala Lumpur (KL), the usual hang out places would either be at my parents's house or Ende Li's house because we are the only family from my dad's side living in KL. When any of the cousins say they're going to be at either my parent's place or Ende Li's place, the words would travel, calls would be made and the next thing you know everybody would be there. So this entry is dedicated to Ende Li (and of course my uncle Ayah Rashid) who always welcome us to their home with open arms and table. :)
Chicken Rice Set
serves 3 -4
Chicken and Soup
6 pcs chicken
2in ginger, pounded
4 garlic, pounded
4-spices (1 star anise seed,3 cloves,3 cardamon & 1in cinnamon stick), rinsed (optional)
2-3 cups water
2 tbs cooking oil
Salt and sugar
3-4 tbs sweet soy sauce
1 tbs white pepper
Veggie oil for deep frying
1. In a pot, heat the oil and add the 4-spices. Once it's fragrant, add the pounded ginger and garlic. Stir.
2. Add in the chicken, water, salt and sugar to taste. (Be generous with water because you will need the stock to make the rice and chili sauce for your chicken rice). Stir occasionally until the chicken is cooked. About 30min.
3. Once the chicken is cooked, take about 1/4 cup of the stock and put it into a big bowl. Mix in the sweet soy sauce and white pepper. Mix well. Add in the chicken to marinade. Let it sit for at least 30min and deep fry.
Rinsed 1 1/2cup basmathi rice, put it in the pot and instead of water, add in 2 3/4 cup of the chicken stock/soup and let it boil. Once boiled, cover and simmer for 20min.Chili Sauce
In a bowl, mix 4 tbs sambal oelek with 1 tbs ketchup, 3-4 tbs chicken soup and salt and sugar to taste.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sardine Tart
I don't know why I love sardine. I just do. I think it is simple, easy to make, cheap and yummy to eat. That is more than enough reasons to like sardine, don't you think? Anyways, yesterday I made some of these sardine tarts. Truth is, I wasn't sure what to make when I bought the flaky dough sheet. I knew that the filling is going to be sardine but not of the shape. I thought of making sardine rolls but then I wrongly cut the dough so I just let it flow and thus emerges the Sardine Tart. All within 30min! Hah! Rachel Ray, here I come!
Sardine Tart
makes 24 in mini muffin tray
1 can Pillsbury Flaky Dough Sheet
1 can sardine in tomato sauce, 5.5oz
1/2 small onion, finely chopped
1/3 serrano chili, finely chopped (optional)
3 tbsp ketchup
salt and sugar
1. Preheat oven at 375F
2. In a bowl, mix everything except the dough sheet and taste.
3. Lay the dough sheet on to a flat area (I used my wood chopping board) and cut into 24 pieces.
4. Fit the dough into the mini muffin pan and fill with the sardine mix.
5. Put it into the oven and bake for 13-15min.
Want more of sardines? Check out my Spicy Sardine Sandwich.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pumpkin and Spinach in Coconut Milk
I still remember the first time ever that I had pumpkin. My mom never cook anything using pumpkin so I never knew about it. I was 13 years old and it was my first year in boarding school. I think it was lunchtime and we all went to the dining hall and queueing to get our food. Then I saw this yellow thingy in yellowish gravy/soupy thingy. I asked my friends what they are and was told it is 'labu', a Malay word for pumpkin. Right there and then, I decided that I like pumpkin especially when it is cooked in coconut milk. But I never made it myself until recently.
Buying a pumpkin, I found out, is not an easy task for an amatuer like me. I feel almost obligated to share with you my first experience of buying a pumpkin. It was during the Halloween season recently. I suddenly had the crave for some Pumpkin in Coconut Milk so off we go to the supermarket and started looking for a pumpkin. Since the only pumpkin that I know of is those that are used for Halloween, I got myself 1 tiny one of the orange type. Got home and started to cut it only to find that it is too dry and definitely not the type used for cooking. I must have bought the ones for Halloween decoration purposes! *smack head* Thank god for my good friend Zue of ZueMurphy who told me to get the Kabocha pumpkin and I finally get to make these creamy Pumpkin and Spinach in Coconut Milk and share it with you. Thanks Zue!
Pumpkin and Spinach in Coconut Milk
Half Kabocha pumpkin, cleaned and cubed
1 serrano chili, pounded (optional)
1in fresh turmeric, pounded
1 stick lemongrass, bruised
3/4 can coconut milk (400ml)
1. Put the pumpkin in a pot and add water just enough to cover them. Add the pounded chili, turmeric and lemongrass. Stir and let it boil. Keep adding some water until the pumpkin is soft.
2. Once the pumpkin is soft (you will know this by the sticking a fork to it. If the fork goes all the way through, then it is ready), add in coconut milk, salt and sugar. Stir and taste. Let it boil.
3. Lastly, add in the spinach and give it a few stirs and turn off the heat.
4. Serves hot with white rice.
Posted by Salt N Turmeric at 7:49 AM 23 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sambal Tumis Udang (Prawn/Shrimp Sambal)
Sambal Tumis is a cooked chili paste. It is the basic sambal that is normally enjoyed with Nasi Lemak. Add some squid, you will get Squid Sambal, add some eggs, Egg Sambal and the list goes on and on. I love to have some hot and spicy stuff when the weather is chilly like now so a few days ago I made a big batch of sambal tumis so I can enjoy some while freeze the rest for later use. Yesterday I decided to make some Prawn Sambal to enjoy with my white rice.
Nasi Lemak with Sambal Tumis is very popular in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia (although I think it is called something else in Indonesia) and is available the whole day from breakfast to late supper. For those unfamiliar with the number of meals available for us, there are breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper. Didn't I tell you we ate a lot? *wink*
Sambal Tumis Udang / Prawn Sambal
2. Heat up the oil in the wok (med high) and put the B ingredients in. Keep stirring for about 10min.
3. Add water, tomato paste, tamarind powder/juice, salt and sugar. Continue stirring for another 4-5min. Taste and add salt/sugar if necessary.
4. Add in the sliced onion and prawn, stir a little bit, cover and simmer for 2-3min.
5. Uncover, stir and taste. Let it set for another 3-4min and serve.
You can enjoy these Prawn Sambal with Nasi Lemak , plain white rice or with your roti pratha.