It might take longer to start but the food always taste better. I so love our charcoal bbq grill! Iv been nagging him to get a charcoal bbq for as long as I can remember but living in a apartment complex before, we cant use one since its the same as open fire or something like that. So when we moved to our new place, thats among the 1st thing that we try to get. We went from Home Depot to Lowes and most of them are the small round ones which would have made me happy but there's a man in the house too and him being a man, must have a bigger bbq grill! :P
So when we were at Big Lots and looking at the grills, he saw this unit on display and its the only one there. It has no price tag nor the stock number. We asked the staff there to check on the price and even they were not sure. After like 30min, they decided to sell it to us for $65 incl tax. Well, actually I wasnt there when he bought it. I was at the other side of the store looking for other things but at $65, it is really a bargain since the small round ones cost between $45-$55.
Now, I dont use the oven anymore for grilling. Last weekend we had another round of bbq steak and Honey BBQ Wings which Im telling you, tasted so much better on the charcoal grill that Michael had 2nd serving. I tweaked it even more by adding some chili powder for that umph taste. Please do apologise that I didnt have picture of the chicken wings since they were gone pretty quickly. I promise that the next time we had them, Id post the picture.
For the steak however, I didn use much seasoning. I marinate them with Adobo seasoning overnight and lather some bbq sauce only when they're on the grill. We both like our steak done without any blood running. Im still ok with medium well but he only takes his well done. His younger brother would take his steak basically when its still running! well, you know waht I mean. 30 sec on the grill each side. Definitely not for us. Now how do you like your steak?
Came in through Rasa and was kicking myself for not coming here sooner!
Great ideas here. will come back.
huuhhuuhhu...sedapnye tgk steak abg nie tu...balik mesia nnt buat ekkk....hehehhehe
Daphne, welcome and do come back. ;) oh pls dont kick urself. ur here now. ;)
Awa, boleh. nanti tahun depan kita bbq besar2an ok?
Why men like to have big bbq grill ? .. like my dh too .. mesti nak grill yg besar .. but he himself is a vegetarian so it is beyond me to understand his mentality .. hehehe ..
By the way ... I prefer my steak well done too (but now I don't eat meat anymore .. mahal sangat nak beli steak :( )
Your steak looks juicy and I like my steak well done. I too have the same problem everytimes we're grilling ......... didn't get a chance to take the pictures.
Norma, i know! men and their big grills. lol. ur hubby is really weird. he's a vegetarian tht insisted on having big grill. why?? lol.
Yatie, the pic is altually of the 2nd steak. 1st one already eaten. lol.
I like my steak well done please.
it looks 'mouth-watering'ly delicious...hehee.... babe, klu nak buat bbq besar2an next year tu jemput2 la i....heheeeee..... on second thought, since our new house gonna be ready next year, why dun u and michael help us on the 'bbq'ing thingy....we sure gonna have fun...... anywaysss, i like mine well done, thank you....
i am sooo soo sooo jealous of your bbq! i wish i could fit this into my flat hehehe
Congrats on your charcoal bbq grill, it sure sounds like a bargain! Steak looks yummy, makes me wish I could teleport myself next to it.
Zue, u pun suka well done ya?
Anis, insyaallah. marilah kita beramai2 berbbq besar2an. yay! ;)
Rita, im sorry u cant have charcoal grill in HK. u can always come to OC. ;)
Lore, thanks. teleport urself anytime!
Cooking with charcoal or wood is the only way to go. I love all red meat RARE!
Norm, yay to charcoal! lol. thank u for visiting and i hope ul come back again eventho i dont bbq as much as u do!
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