Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kalamansi Lime

If you have been reading and/or following my blog, you would realise that I have mentioned the name kalamansi lime a few times. It is to me, the best kind of lime. It looks like key lime but with a much softer skin. It is the most popular lime used in Southeast Asian's cuisine and drink. I have been looking for it for quite a while. Going in and out of Home Depot, nurseries, asian supermarkets and Lowe's only to be very disappointed. Not only they don't have it, most of the times nobody would even know what I was talking about. But my luck was about to change.

Last month when we went to Home Depot on Warner Ave, Huntington Beach to get a couple of plant pots, I decided to again try my luck. Michael keeps teling me that they are not going to have it but I told hm I will ask anyway. Asking is by the way, free, no? So I asked the guy at the nursery section about kalamansi lime. After a few misunderstanding and long conversation, he took me to the lime/lemon tree areas and we looked and searched one by one. The he asked me, "what is it called again?". So I told him it is kalamansi and he showed me this tree and said, "is that it?". There in the middle of the jungle (ok, that's an exaggeration :P) stood 3 kalamansi lime tree. Not 1. Not 2. But 3 of them! You can't imagine how happy I was to have found it. Already I am thinking of hot spring/summer and sipping ans ice cold lime juice made from kalamansi lime. Well, I am not sure when exactly will I get to see the fruits but I sure do hope very soon. I just hope that those pesky insects would leave my kalamansi lime tree alone.

So if you are a fan and/or have been looking for kalamansi lime tree, go to Home Depot. As you can see from the picture, it is stated as calamondin / kalamansi lime. Good luck!


ICook4Fun said...

I too love kalamansi lime especially to make drink. Nanti, I nak pergi Home Depot to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Home Depot in Southern California, perhaps. Here in MD that would never bear fruit...

MamaFaMi said...

Jangan tak tahu, memula tu mama pun tak tahu apa itu Kalamansi lime. Bila tengok kat google image, barulah tahu, ianya limau kasturi ye? Hubby mama baru beli pokok limau kasturi yang dah lebat berbuah. Tapi mama dah harvest dah. Sekarang ni tengah tunggu pokok tu berbuah lagi...

Salt N Turmeric said...

Gert, im not sure if the east coast weather would permit for kalamansi lime planting.

David, yup only for SoCal. Sorry.

Mama, ye limau kasturi. Jenuh mencari ok. Kesian i kempunan limau kasturi. bestnya pokok kasturi mama dah berbuah. The ones yg sold here takde satu pun yg dah berbuah so tawakkal ajelah.

Dura Manan said...

Awwww ..my fav tu :-)

Cynthia said...

This is the variety we grow here in the Caribbean.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Dura, thanks for visiting! ;)

Cynthia, you're so lucky you have them there. I still don't understand why arent these available at any of the supermarket.

3yearshousewife said...

An iced calamansi drink on a hot afternoon, brilliant...

Salt N Turmeric said...

3yhw, not just hot but blistering hot.lol. I really hope my kalamansi lime would bear fruit this year!

Jeff said...

I just picked up a meyer lemon container tree and been on a mission for a kalmansi lime tree.

I had to go online for the meyer but am running over to Home Depot tonight to pick up some 4 inch pots for some seeds that need to get transferred. Wish me luck!

safc1973 said...

Hi, i'm a chef and i'm intrigued by the kalamansi lime. I've looked for one here, (i live in the uk), they do have calamondin, but the fruits are oranges, not limes, although they do state they are 'sour' oranges. Is the skin of the lime actually orange?

Salt N Turmeric said...

safc1973, yes they do turn orange when ripe. Their size is like key lime but the skin is soft and the inside is more orange than lime. Hope that helps. Good luck!